Sunday, January 13, 2013

Page 5: I love Johnny Depp but i beg to differ

A quick post before I head off to work. I love Johnny Depp! Honestly, he is incredible!!!! And I would never argue or disagree with him (unless it was scripted as in I was in a film with Johnny Depp {one of my many life goals}) except on one topic. He said something very wise once and I agreed with it for a while, hoping it would be true in my case, but, alas, it wasn't true. Maybe, in some cases it is, but not in every case. Johnny Depp once said: "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
For a while I tried to agree with him, but, at least in my case, I can't agree.
In my last post, I talked about two guys. The second one, the one from Florida, is the one reason why I disagree with Johnny Depp. Yesterday was said guy's birthday. So, I wished him a happy birthday and we talked for about a half hour. And it was literally magical. (Wow I'm corny.)
So, although there have been quite a few guys (well like maybe 10 tops {probably not even that much}) I have liked since I like the Florida guy, I never stopped liking the Florida guy/if I liked someone else, when I was over it I started liking Florida boy again. SO although Johnny Depp is amazing, I must disagree with his statement about love. This is because I am in love with guy who lives in Florida.
And I just announced that on the internet. Wow.
Okay, so that wraps up my post because I have to leave for work (my ride is here).
So, for lack of time I will just use the quote I stated above:
"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."- Johnny Depp

Keep Calm and Read On,
A reader with Mickey ears and an invisibility cloak

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